Similar todos
clean up #todo and prepare for app store
#filepond clean up debug statements
#bar prepare screenshots for AppStore
make final bug fixes to ios app before launch #unistore
debug messaging in iOS app
disable debugging mode for app store submission 🙈 #snapsured
Prepare final build for iOS #ilend
get app ready for release #rewardsflights
write post on how to seprate debug and release "data" for macos apps… #stuff
Prepare the app for app store submission and do the testflight #kataru
#bar prepare the video for AppStore
Write better print statements for future debugging deleting workout data #beep
Finish screenshots for app-store
make #goodtendency ready to be uploaded to app stores
separate DEBUG from RELEASE data to ease testing, resetting, etc. during development #blip
remove some not more needed debug stuff #fullstackjob
publish version without debugging console.logs #useauth