Similar todos
upload new build without console.logs #rewardsflights
publish version 0.4.2 #useauth
Remove all useless console logs #pagesextension
publish version 0.4.3 #useauth
#pintura publish version 4.0
make client sdk have debug mode toggle so you can quick figure out whats going on without shipping console logs to prod #saasco
#filepond publish version 4.0.0
#pintura publish version 4.4
remove console log from checkout #checkoutpage
#filepond clean up debug statements
separate DEBUG from RELEASE data to ease testing, resetting, etc. during development #blip
Keep debugging messages removal #stenograph
#cropguide publish first version
Debug messages removal #stenograph
Debug messages removal #stenograph
Debugging bugs #jovial
Exclude debugger from build process and auto-zip #devsync