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🍟 Side project weekend: Fixed dark mode bug where it persisted even after published, and added Lifeloggers handle to notifyTelegram fn in order to add bot to the chat group #lifelog
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🍟 Side project weekend: Added a link to the 1000 day streak profile badge, to trigger the gold badge + confetti modal, so that the user can look at it time and again #lifelog
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🍟 Side Project Weekend - quality of life improvements: Added current streak to Telegram notification and success banner. Deployed changes to Heroku, incl. prev commit updating the updateAccount fn to work with register fn. #lifelog
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🍟 Side project weekend: Deployed fixes done over weekend. Now dark mode should no longer persist after publishing, and telegram bot should start posting to Lifeloggers chat group. #lifelog
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🍟 Side Project Weekend - Deployed fixes for streak calculation for telegram message and success banner #lifelog
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🍟 Side project weekend: Confetti optimizations to prevent lag, and some style tweaks to the 1000 day streak modal #lifelog
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🍟 Side Project Weekend: Added Notifyxf's monitoring service to new chat group "Daily Lifelogs", so that everyone gets notified when there's downtime - #lifelog
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🍟 Side Project Weekend - Fixed streak calculation for telegram message and success banner #lifelog
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🍟 Side project weekend: Updated roadmap #lifelog
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Side project weekend: Deployed new feature on Lifelog - 🖊 Markdown formatting snackbar. Now you can add Markdown syntax using the editor panel to format the text. Great if user is unfamiliar with Markdown. #lifelog
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🍟 Side Project Weekend: Coded and deployed Lifelog Wrapped (yes, stole that from Spotify) all in 1 day - a review of your writings on Lifelog for the year 🎉 #lifelog
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🍟 Side project weekend: Added more celebration modals for various streak milestones - 365, 100, 30, 7 days. Visual design needs more work but good first step to celebrating writer's efforts! #lifelog
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🍟 Side Project Weekend: Added global loader in default layout. Add loader in notifications page, fixed inaccurate loading message. #lifelog
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🍟 Side Project Weekend: Just deployed all the dark mode features and small fixes I've worked on Lifelog for the past 1 month: - Fixed write and compose pg when not auth. Changed notifyTelegram to ping when any user published a post. - Added dark mode for write page. - Style fixes for dark mode on write page. Made buttons and containers more consistent in dark mode colors. - Added localStorage to dark mode on write page to save preference. - Got dark mode working for rich text editor. Updated roadmap. #lifelog
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🍟 Side project weekend: Deployed all features & fixes made over weekend – 1️⃣ Made Time Hop X on home page, to hop any X number of months. 2️⃣ Added a randomized series of different ways to state No post found for Time Hop X. 3️⃣ Also added CSS animation to fade out tooltip to explain how to use Time Hop X. 4️⃣ Fixed row of badges on /profile page, to center and wrap to next line (using is-narrow is-centered is-multiline) to accommodate more badges over more rows in future. 5️⃣ Updated roadmap. #lifelog
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🍟 Side project weekend: Fixed bug where confetti didn't go off for 1000 day streak modal on home page #lifelog
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🍟 Side project weekend: Added time hop for "One month ago, you wrote..." on home page #lifelog
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🍟 Side project weekend: Added a randomized series of different ways to state "No post found" for Time Hop X. Also added CSS animation to fade out tooltip to explain how to use Time Hop X #lifelog
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🍟 Side Project Weekend: Added @mention dropdown popup to /write page. Fixed styling on Learn More page. Fixed layout issues in notifications and roadmap pages where footer moves up when page is short. Fixed hover bug in slug page. Updated roadmap. #lifelog
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🍟 Side project weekend: Fixed row of badges on /profile page, to center and wrap to next line (using is-narrow is-centered is-multiline), so that in future can accommodate more badges over more rows #lifelog
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