Similar todos
Fix weather interpolation calculations for provided routes and geodesic routes #maritime
improved routes and job loading #sportstechjobs
fixed a bug where the list of datapoints does not change on route changes #metrics
Refactor code handling route optimizaiton and interpolations #maritime
Build updated forecast model #lifeee
Upload weather lookup #chocolab
Weather API endpoint (forecast next 7 days) #buitje
get weather forecasts for flight departure and landing to avoid turbulence (turbooooolence) #airlinelist
try historical data for route pages #yelmair
improve location routes #sportstechjobs
Adjust #chocolab weather look up to include more cities
improve stats for every db query (route, month, departure city and destination city) even more #yelmair
added advanced weather data for each spot #vansecrets
add field for route code to calculate miles for ffps and value according to tpg #yelmair
add more information on flight routes #rewardsflights
fixed route bug #sponsorgap
fixed route bug #sportstechjobs
fixed route bug in #sportstechjobs