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Dockerize #emoji and deploy it with Kamal to Digital Ocean
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Dockerize #traits and deploy it with Kamal to Digital Ocean
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Dockerize #buildinpublic and deploy it with Kamal to Digital Ocean
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Dockerize #marcbot and deploy it with Kamal to Digital Ocean
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Dockerize #highscore and deploy it with Kamal to Digital Ocean
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Install Ruby 3.2.2 and downgrade Kamal test project to 3.2.2 #life
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Configure Github Action to deploy via Kamal #til
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Have even more issues with Kamal where it refuses to deploy a new docker container (container fails to start), I think because the same port is being used by the old one? Works when I manually stop the old container and deploy again. Seems horribly broken and now need to move to a different deployment method to get #watchdog working for Build in Public !private
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Check out Kamal for Rails by DHH because I've seen @marckohlbrugge using it and it looks like 37signals are migrating all their apps from Capistrano to Kamal including HEY and maybe this is the future of Rails so I don't wanna get left behind #life
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