Similar todos
fixed bug on #sponsorgap - filters were not working
fix company filtering bugs #japandev
fix weird search filter box keeps blur()'ing first time you tap it (due to anti-Chrome autocomplete fix I made with <input "readonly="readonly" onfocus="this.removeAttribute('readonly');" but of course it breaks something new which is Safari iOS not opening they keyboard anymore ffs) #nomads
fix query behavior of filters
fix date filtering bug #tinyfeedback
fixed bug with filters #greenxplor
Improved rendering by selector for #screenshotone.
If the DOM has been changed and the selector is not found, I try to search for it again.
It helped to resolve an issue for one of the customers.
fix strange safari rendering bug #planeupload
fixed css bug #sportstechjobs
fixed css bug #sportstechjobs
fix the wierd JS issue #tiffin
get weird filter sidebar bug to work #remotepath
fixed weird frontend bug
fixed css bugs #growthhacklist