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Client work: growth strategies ideation #upgroves
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Create form for the Growth Ideation service in Tally with the help of Perplexity and ChatGPT #upgroves
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Growth ideation and strategy initial analyisis for course creator client #upgroves
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Get new business idea while chatting with chatGPT #playground
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Have investor unexpectedly offer to help fund my SaaS for #latamplan after casually sharing my idea 🤯
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Wrote to @gregisenberg about Slack channel entirely dedicated to "what ifs" to allow founders to validate ideas quickly #tinymvps #life
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New idea for a makers chat
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work on growth idea library #saasco
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Starting with some kind of growth hacking for #fullstackjob
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get featured on betalist… (helps being the founder hah) #expensivechat
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🤗 speak with a friend about biz ideas
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discuss big biz idea with potential cofounder
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tweet about a growth hack
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Built MVP for growth cards. Going to be a curated list of the best growth hacks to grow your startup. Which you can then run using saasco apps 🚀 #saasco
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added new topic to #growthhacklist
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chat with experts about potential new sideproject
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Had an amazing conversation with growth-minded person! we planned a meeting for the weekend! 😎
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Business idea chat with my wife
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mkt and growth hacking classes 🤓 #kipple
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Came up with new service ideas #alchemylist
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