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Client work: growth strategies ideation #upgroves
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Ideation & Planning for #shipr
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growth strategy work #rc
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Work on #postcard internal tool for a growth strategy
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ask growth university what to do with this audience #seniormindset
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Offer my growth ideation service on the Small Bets chat 😱 #upgroves
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finish growth hacking course #kipple
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Strategy consult with client -- plan YT + membership #currentclients
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set up growth strategies for next 10x +200 users #to9to5
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work on ideation #shipr
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work on growth idea library #saasco
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talk with entrepreneur for content creation strategy
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Literally create a whole brand strategy + value ladder -- with free challenge, 1:1, and membership offers -- for new client C #currentclients
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reach out to entrepreneurs in network for course idea and commitment #leancontentmarketing
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Create form for the Growth Ideation service in Tally with the help of Perplexity and ChatGPT #upgroves
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make GPT-3 try build the idea it generated itself #ideasai and then think of growth strategies for it
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Ideation page #pliik
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published new interview with the founder of Hello Rails about building an online course… #growthhacklist
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Starting with some kind of growth hacking for #fullstackjob
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type up & send strategic analysis and 2024 & 2025 action plan for client #currentclients
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