Similar todos
Merging a lot of pending PRs into production #reinvent
Testing and deploying outstanding PRs to prod #retently
merging PR #thecompaniesapi
merging PR with @yael #thecompaniesapi
merging a big PR #mapmelon
merging tons of requests and deployed to prod #rc
finish merging #crisp merge requests into master then production
review PRs and merge them
merging in a series of pull requests and a push to staging #rc
#filepond merge various PRs
merge 3 PRs #instatus
deploying stuff to prod
Push #barberhead changes to production
Push changes to production
merge some PRs #reactfordataviz
Submit and merge client PRs #rockkick
first ever PR merged into release #freelanceproductlead
deploying to production #thecompaniesapi
merge pending PRs into #screenhole