Kevin Ridgway
Monitor desktop app, see the memory is pretty low ✨ #observatory
Basic version of the #observatory app running on macOS!
Added desktop app to turbo monorepo so all my code marketing site, docs, app are in the same repo. And run desktop app via turbo #observatory
Adding a mockup of the app to the marketing page. #observatory
First version of marketing site with waiting list is up for #observatory
Started Tauri app, and marketing site for #observatory
Started exploring new project - desktop app to monitor GitHub actions.
Updated readme on repo about keyboard shortcuts.
Change loading to all endpoints initally, then cache data. Document new keyboard shortcuts. #hackertuacli
Add T, A, S, and J keyboard shortcuts for easier menu access. #hackertuahcli
With the help of Claude, and Cursor, shipped a Hacker News CLI. Was a lot of fun! Got the initial version running in 20 minutes with some prompts from Claude.