Similar todos
figure out zap for Shopify and excel #nadiasevening
on google sheet -> woocommerce automation & product details #unnamedprojects
figured out how to create a sheet to filter specific info from one sheet into another sheet & now feel like a Google Sheets god #freelance
💼 client work: implement a flexible Google Sheets formula to dynamically filter and extract unique ordered items by partial name and date #tauron
Connected Google Sheets to #wtfshouldido
update google sheet #fajarsiddiq
update google sheet #fajarsiddiq
Create a more replicable and solid way to use Google Sheets as backend #shipit
create google sheets script to optimize reports #honesttribe
zapier automation to track payments in spreadsheet
Created viewable timesheets on Google Sheets for web dev clients and pinned to their Telegram chat for easy reference #indiejourney
I wrote an extensive article about protecting Google Sheets from corruption, as it's important for me now to seek clients who need help with sheets.
digging how to use google sheet api #integratewp #elementor2sheet
added minor fix for google Sheets
connect to google sheet and save data #moneemail
Create Google Sheets Fetch Tutorial
dig into more on google api, finally able to query google sheet #elementor2sheet #integratewp