Tauron Systems
💼 client work: schedule content for the week #tauron
💼 client work #tauron
💼 client work: fix automation error #tauron
💼 client work #tauron
💼 client work #tauron
💼 client work #tauron
💼 client work #tauron
💼 client work: page updates #tauron
💼 client work: update pages. troubleshoot date picker issues. #tauron
💼 finish client work for the week #tauron
💼 client work: schedule content for the week #tauron
💼 invoice clients for Dec 2024 #tauron
💼 edit & schedule content for coming weeks #tauron
💼 client work: create, edit, and schedule content for the week #tauron
💼 client work: review content and send feedback #tauron
💼 client work: update website for next year's offerings #tauron
💼 help 60yo client set up 2FA (forced by registrar) and renew their domain #tauron
💼 client work - add new workshop schedule #tauron
💼 client work: complete remaining content for the week #tauron
💼 client work: clean up & export db #tauron