Similar todos
Shipping some minor #connectify updates
Pushed two major updates to
shipped new feature for #bloghandy
Updated the shipment page in #fulfilment
shipped some blog layout changes #mylife
pushed a few #dotfiles updates
shipped a license fix for #djangopackages
Ship the new updates to production #formcarry
Shipped new version #boltai
shipped a bunch of copy fixes, a homepage text bug, and a bunch of tests which should help find some random yet common bugs #djangopackages
shipped a new design for #lfk
Shipped a quick update to #notreattoday
minor updates to #djangopackages
shipped new version with performance upates #rabbitholes
shipped user submitted new feature #djangonews
shipped some ui improvements and added reviews/quote to #sponsorgap
🚀 deployed a few #djangopackages updates