Similar todos
I allowed deleting audio files from my local device in #speechzap, which enabled me to synchronize files from the cloud to my device.
Visit my files in the cloud
files on cloud #fajarsiddiq
transfer files from backup cloud to normal cloud
I sorted out the notes synchronization in #speechzap and enabled recording synchronization, making note-sharing only a step away.
Mobile sync #resultjam
Improved sync between multiple devices #devhub
🔧 move some cloud-synced app configuration files from google drive file stream and icloud drive to google backup & sync, because it is just a sync on real hardware and not a fuse-based file system that requires internet, is laggy, etc (sharing because not necessarily obvious for everyone)
syncing offline #blankpage
upload old footage to cloud up to 2011-03-36 #life
Sync Files #administration
Learning more about cloud sync and other offline-first techniques #boltai
transfer files #fajarsiddiq
Setting up syncing on my NAS
learned to use cloudapp
prepare #whatscook to use powersync
Finally solved the real-time sync problem #sitegpt