Similar todos
add HTTP_REFERER check if it’s on Apply Job redirector to avoid scrapers getting final apply link and instead link to our site #remoteok (tip by @AndreyAzimov)
redirect malformed jobs URIs to root #betalist
Fix logo and name links that were redirecting to job board instead of landing page #jobboardsearch
Start redirecting traffic to the #composeexamples job board
Handle unauthorizeded requests on protected paths with redirects #stronger
Fix Redirects on #paleoglutenfree
Create redirects #jovial
redirects #fajarsiddiq
Create domain redirects #sp
Fixed #builderbelt domain redirect
start tracking mailto: links for jobs with only [apply_email] to by redirecting them with the redirector e.g. because Honu AI asked about it, before I didn’t because I wasn’t able to redirect to mailto: with PHP header(“Location:”) but now I use JS and it works #remoteok
get redirects from old URLs working
setup redirects for other domains to #japandev
work on redirecting domain