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first draft for #topcallers main page redesign
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Finally finish drafting up the launch article #pixelsnap
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Finish first draft of client website #random
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structure and draft for v2 draft of #tw homepage
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Made first draft of new site
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Reprocess sphinx data to have full but smaller dataset for developing #mused
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finalize completely first draft of user guide
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some small design tweaks to the front page design + start building #screenshots
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Draft of homepage #codebird
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worked on a sitemaps tool #research
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new homepage first draft swizec-com-git-homepage.swize…
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created a couple of draft mock ups for #workspacewizard 's next feature (still WIP)
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finished draft of #djangonews and scheduled it for tomorrow
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built the first html draft of #studiolist including: home page, sub-page for studios in Berlin, embedded OpenStreetMap using and the authentication token from; and added the first two studios to the map with a popup and link to their contact page. Good progress! I could publish this version already but I want to add more studios first so it's looks more populated when live.
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finished another blog post draft #mylife
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continue working on draft
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site structures draft for new ideas
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Do first complete draft of website #visulry
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updated #djangonews draft
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