Updated Create Event page with the new design
Updated Login/Singup page with the new design
Get the final design from designer
Updated the Startup, Login and Signup screens UI/UX
Setup a few Fabric analytics events
Make quick schetch for
#downforthat logo & send it to designer
Refused the first version for the
#downforthat app logo
Accept/Reject pending events
Talk with the designer - first iteration for the logo - need more work
Add new screen - Show pending requests
Resume working on
Restart working on
#downforthat - show pending event requests
Set the final flows & wireframes with the designer for
Test for the first time the matching flow for
Down to the drawing board - defined new flows and UX
Send the new wireframes to designer
Started using RxJava in the project - select friends to invite done - so far so good 🔥
fixed bug on invite friends
Convince designer friend to help out with my lame design skills for
#downforthat app
Started working on New Session & Invite Friends to join