Similar todos
import stripe charges #monet
migrate to new Stripe account #wip
confirm Stripe migration #consulting
implement stripe for payments #usai
migrate to new stripe account #faces
implement new usage billing api from stripe #spectropic
add new stripe usage billing api
add stripe charges #jobs
Move payments to Stripe #composeexamples
fix auto bump stopped charging because Stripe API changed something again, you can’t charge a stripe_customer_id anymore, you have to create a PaymentIntent by retrieving the PaymentMethod from the Customer object, with the payment_intent_id you save and set as off_session for later payments during Stripe Checkout (maximum difficult and yes Stripe is absolutely losing it by rapidly deprecating old functionality and actively breaking payment integrations causing companies to lose revenue) #remoteok
Configure stripe payments #lifesheet
import all stripe charges into database (so later I can create invoices) #wip
add stripe payments
migrated checkout process on #dealsourcr to stripe checkout
save stripe account id with charge #wip
move #gofuckingdoit to new Stripe