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👨💻 algorithm and data structure - ✅ merge sort - ✅ quick sort
Lecture 12: Binary Search Explained in 1 Video [Theory + Code] completed #dsa
Lecture 17: BUBBLE SORT in 1 Video [Theory + Optimised Code] || Best/Worst Case Complexity. #dsa
Lecture 18: INSERTION SORT in 1 Video [Theory + Code] || Best/Worst Case Complexity. #dsa
Watched Binary search in detail. #dsa
Learned the first two steps to complete a Rubik's Cube. 🔥
Created a 1-minute video explanation of #rhymecraft :…
Posted a video on the code behind Inbox Zero: #inboxzero
CS50: watch Week 3 Algorithms lecture #powerup
Figured out a new approach to studying Leetcode where every morning and evening I write out the code for the basic component-algorithms of Leetcode solutions as quickly as possible: breadth-first search, depth-first search, binary search, sliding window, etc.
Watched Decimal to binary and binary to decimal video. #dsa
Went through JS tutorial videos #education
Made a demo video. First YouTube video #rabbitholes…
👨💻 algorithm and data structure - ✅ counting sort - ✅ radix sort
Posted first youtube video #matosdfm
practicing algorithms #javascript
Simplify sorting algorithm #pagesonpages
Watched a NeetCode video (going through #betterjob
editing unboxing video #fajarsiddiq