Similar todos
practiced writing out the basic leetcode algorithms and went through a section of the Let's Go ebook
wrote out all of the basic leetcode algorithms I want to keep memorized
Spent a few hours getting back into studying Leetcode #life
ran through the Leetcode basic algorithms as fast as possible
tried some actual leetcode problems and found I'm way, way, way better after doing the basic-algorithm drills I've been doing.
studied leetcode
Finished watching neetcode's videos on the "easy" leetcode problems. #betterjob
Spent time drawing a visualization of the solution to the leetcode problem to help me wrap my head around it.
studied a leetcode question
Studying system design, I actually like this way, way more than studying leetcode
Watched a NeetCode video, need to get back into studying LeetCode
Study & practice algorithms #dev
Study & practice algorithms #dev
Study & practice algorithms #dev
Study & practice algorithms #dev
did a leetcode question
did a leetcode question
did a leetcode question
did a leetcode question
did a leetcode question