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Show warning message about potentially losing your streak when deleting a (completed) todo #wip h/t @valerian
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Forget to add todo and loose streak
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update streak if completed todo is destroyed (h/t @h_boon) #wip
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fix bug where streaking? fails when user doesn't have any completed todos #wip
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fix streakCount bug #lucidbot
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Fix streak issue #resultjam
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break my todo streak once again
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fix small bug in streakCount #lucidbot
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find out that I lost my streak because I removed an old todo from WIP from the 7th March a few days ago, and it was the only one of that day... @marc I believe this might be considered a bug? #life
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streak share test #mindwave
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Not sure where the time boundary for streaks is so here is a dummy task #pagerteam
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Deleted test todo.
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fix bug where streak wasn't updated when completing todo via @wipbot #wip (h/t @wiprobert
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preserve streak
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post a todo to WIP so I don’t lose my streak #jonnotie
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fix streakCount logic for #lucidbot
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add streak id to streak information
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Fix streaks counting
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fix bug where completing a todo via @wipbot wouldn’t immediately update streak count #wip /cc @gcsgpp @Ashfame
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Experiment with new type of streak that subtracts 1 if you miss a day rather than completely resetting #wip
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