Similar todos
update streak badges #wip
fix bug where streak wasn't updated when completing todo via @wipbot #wip (h/t @wiprobert
auto refresh streak after completing todo #menubar
fix bug where streaking? fails when user doesn't have any completed todos #wip
Dependency updates and clean-up to get a streak going (hopefully) #tinyinventoryapp
update streak model to include differente kinds of streaks
break my todo streak once again
add streaking (boolean), best_streak, and completed_todos_count to graphql api #wip
Update sidebar streak count in real-time when creating/deleting todos on website #wip h/t @martindonadieu
fix streakCount bug #lucidbot
fix streakCount logic for #lucidbot
update player streaks with new kind of streaks
post a todo to WIP so I don’t lose my streak #jonnotie
fix small bug in streakCount #lucidbot
add update player streak
API: update max_streak when updating streak #pixelchallenge