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deployed hello world #aimaze
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Danced with Xampp, Digital Ocean, Apache, and echo-ed my 1st hello world using PHP! Ain't much but honest progress 😌 #decodingcoding #indiejourney
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got my personal website (, just an index.html) working on a new $4/mo DO droplet that I intend to move everything over to while switching backends from Python to Go, nginx is way easier than Apache so far. Switched my personal site to use GitHub version control.
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Able to ssh into my new Digital Ocean droplet with my new 'nathan' user; installed nginx; updated my Cloudflare DNS records for my domains to point to my new droplet; deleted unused subdomains and old MX/TXT/CNAME records; confirmed a 'Hello World' index.html site served by nginx is working.
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Hello world!
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working hello world version #s2c
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Hello world
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Hello world
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Hello world
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Almost got a hello world container deployed to ECS #whatshoppin
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Hello World
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Hello World
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Started work on a Go+Vuetify+Digital Ocean template, copied over the parts of my README for my Flask+Vuetify+Digital Ocean template that should also apply here. Feeling good about making forward progress towards making Go apps instead of staying stuck in tutorial hell.
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RIP #memostash Hello World #unnnn
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hello, world
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today was my first day actually doing Go development instead of just tutorials: took a magnesium tablet b/c I felt anxious last night, I think from the caffeine in the cocoa I had been drinking; copied my frontend code from my flask/vuetify template repo to my go/vuetify template repo; confirmed I can serve the frontend code locally; installed Go; drank an iced cocoa; successfully started my 'Hello World' main.go backend file as a web app server; asked ChatGPT for help converting my "POST /users/" request to use Go; created a Go module; installed Postman macOS; took a 15min break after an hour; got my frontend app "talking to" my Go backend (successfully returned "Hello World" and had it on-screen in my frontend app); added Go middleware to log every request to the console so I can see what is happening; renamed my (default) branch from 'master' to 'main'; got live reloading for my Go backend (it automatically reloads the backend when I make changes to the code); confirmed my "POST /users/" returns 201 when I use the frontend registration form; came up with a task for tomorrow: get "POST /api/session" working; set up PyCharm to be able to explore my SQLite db from within the DB toolbar; confirmed that my user registration created a new user record in the db
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Hello, world.
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Setup WordPress on Digital Ocean
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hello world
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hello world
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