Similar todos
Created a new digital ocean droplet for my new projects
👨💻 cloudflare + droplet set up
setup new droplet on Digital Ocean #fajarsiddiq
#contracting Setup domain and point it to my trusty droplet
install Nginx - digital ocean #myoutfit
created digitalocean droplet #linksee
#pn Setup Nginx Domain on Server
setup a digitalocean account and standup a web server (migration away from current provider due to outrageous outage) #turreto
#sheet2site moved part of sites to netlify and setup dns.
create #interiorai Digital Ocean droplet
configure #archmaps domain and nginx config
jb: setup domain and nginx handler
moved #myyogi to new self hosted coolify/hetzner environment and setup dns w/ cloudflare
Set up a fresh droplet (server) with the same configuration as the previous one to overcome certbot renewal bug that crashed nginx #deepmeditate
Set up C’s wordpress droplet #lifeee
Create a new droplet for personal site #matthewmorekcom