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Fix more bugs 🐛🐞🦗 #hellohailey
fixed bug and got sitemap working. Now automatically adding job post links to sitemap #sportstechjobs thanks @marckohlbrugge and @mhenglein for the feedback
Fixing new tab issue for jobs apply button #devopsengineers
improve submit job page #fullstackjob
Fix a few bugs 🐛 #japandev
Fix a few bugs 🐛 #japandev
Fix a few bugs 🐛 #japandev
Updated/improved post a job section of #sportstechjobs
fixed pug bug on job info page #sportstechjobs
🐛 Bug squashed. Digging Djo as my coding jam at the moment.
applied feedback from @rrmdp (THANKS!), fixed jobposting schema, added RSS feed of last 25 active jobs #ctojobshq
Fix bug with job fetcher bot where job boards running jobboardly weren't getting the company info #jobboardsearch
🐛 noticed streaks streaks bug
fix job types bug #jobs
Fix bug where incorrect relative job posting time is displayed #promptlyhired
fix bug where scraper wouldn't skip if no job was found #plumberjobs
Fix a bug when preview wasn't redering conrrectly when editing a job board #jobboardsearch
🐛 fixed a duplicate states bug in the place importer #conf