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Media query fixes to CTA & hero section for smaller screens, bug fixes for filter tags #ketolistsingapore #listskit
Fixed sticky footer tag responsiveness, cleaned up pricing table media queries #listskit
More responsiveness fixes for text-image. image-text components #listskit
Lots of style and copy fixes to home page - pricing table copy, media query for ping, <sup> tag, faqs <li> bug #listskit
update dark mode css #makernews
Various style fixes - hide navbar btn, hide placeholder testimonial, changed hero btn and hero sub-text #listskit
add darkmode switch to menu template 04 #lookmomnocode
Fixed pricing btn from feedback - added media query for mini phones <360px. Also fixed media queries for hero h1, h2, carousel for 780-1024px #listskit
#todo fix dark mode
Added media query to fix h1 bug on ultra slim screens (<380px) #ketolistsingapore
updated dark mode #vansecrets
link up articles with darkmode #coinlistr
Fixed media queries for accordion faqs. Fixed border of fa-stars #listskit
Style tweaks for hero, image-text, about sections, centered images for image-text section on 480px #listskit
Improve dark mode #incomerankings
Added alt text to all <img> tags for better accessibility scores, on landing page and on boilerplates (both main and beta) #listskit
Find dark mode design #sp
fix media queries issue #csspro