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Suggestions are welcome: Thinking about the concept of dumper in personal finance. Basically equals standard deviation of your real budget counted per category and summarized. Don't really know how to put it into the app so it makes sense to people. #wtmns
Revisit my personal finance app
Refactor my personal finance app 😅 #finance
Thinking through idea for a profitable SaaS app, with a clear purpose #personal
get really good answer to “why did you buy” #FindYourIdea
Write simple goals description for app directory #simplegoalz
get idea for potential app #life
Work on personal finance app
Work on personal finance app
Work on plan for providing more value in paid part of app #checkyourlist
Work on my personal finance app
Work on my personal finance app #finance
Work on Personal finance app #finance
Write/design: So how do you do what you say you do? How will my life improve? #theportal
Write down time-tracking app idea
read through Why Buy responses in recent launch – no drastic insights to help me improve pitch #seniormindset
Just spent some time thinking about the app. #rhymecraft