Similar todos
Revisit my personal finance app
Refactor my personal finance app 😅 #finance
Create personal budget #life
Mulling over the "what your app does in short". Failed to answer it in a discussion, I think it converges to something like "Plan your budget. Track it. Compare. Repeat untill you are happy" but the phrase needs to be better #wtmns
💰 weekly/monthly budgetting #mylife
Work on Personal finance app #finance
Work on personal finance app
Work on personal finance app
Working out bugs in categories and budget estimations #budgetcool
add yearly spending or something like that to get an idea of spending #financialtoolbelt
Improve #budg budgets screen:
- Animations ✨
- Ability to allocate a budget amount 💯
- Monthly average 🗓
get better calculations for budget so you can see how saving more would impact your budget #financialtoolbelt
get percentages for spending breakdown
style doughnut chart for spending breakdown
get insights working on savings goal calculator #financialtoolbelt
add calculator that calculates not spending $ on common items with compound interest (via @catcatson) #financialtoolbelt
publish post about analyzing reddit data #financialtoolbelt…
Work on my personal finance app