Similar todos
- follow django-components to create tagify ✅ #greendeploy
write Django models #pleaseremindme
dusted off my build django project and updated templates and the backend to be easier to maintain
🚜 Converted static project to Django #fortune500
🚜 built a tool to dump Django form fields to a template #research
adopted a nw Django community project #mylife
⬆️ 🚜 Upgraded and refactored my django-startproject template to keep up with recent Django 5, ruff, and pre-commit changes
continued working on the django boilerplate
published top Django packages I like to use post
🔨 working on a django-news prototype #djangonews
fiddle with Django and try get it to render react in templates like Rails 7 #life
make theme index work with django #codercestcool
stream django coding #homestretch
worked on reworking some tables to use django-table2 #djangopackges
kicked out a new theme for #awesomedjango over lunch -
finished off some new views and tests for a django starter project #mylife
🐘 added Django models for non-no-code website #djangonews
🚜 finished porting all of the major models and pages on #lfk to Django