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buy trackmyweight .app 😬 (hope I get to work on this app before the domain expires) #trackmyweight
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List "stepcountchallenge .com" in dan as part of 2024 goal to focus on one project… #stepcountchallenge
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Work on the fitness app #life
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bought domain to kickoff things #markr
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tracking things on my own app
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#maintenance 🏗 - 🍳 daily streak day 04 for 2021-11-22 of weighing and following protein-based diet since 2021-11-19 ✅ - 🏋🏻‍♂️ gym/swim/run streak day 04 for 2021-11-22 since 2021-11-19 ✅ - follow up on [[followup.macbook]] purchase ✅ - 📥 process ideas and followup inbox ✅ - setup [[]] ✅
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Added 1 new item—the Calorieasy app by @t31kx ( —to the Commit365 directory - #listskit
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Add to personal website #checkyourlist
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but new domain for writing app
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register domain for new app #mealplanner
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created mini app on domain(s) I bought Still WIP :) Any ideas on what to improve or anything unclear?
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Wrote a script to track % of fat & muscle changes per week, because I can't make sense of the metrics shown on any app #life
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API for the things tracking app
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start habit-tracking in App "Way of Life" (it only costs 7,99€ once for Pro features) #laif
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package #prose web application into a lightweight macos app
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bought domain name for the app #number
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publish "Count calories, not steps 🍕" #blog
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Buy domain #stronger
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Continue working on the workouts app #life (I'll have to create a project but I still need a name)
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📱 picked up to help log daily routines and reminders # my life
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