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followup with Lemon Squeezy support
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submitted request for a LemonSqueezy store - 2nd try. I hope I have better luck this time #backlio
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get approved by lemonsqueezy
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turns out Lemon Squeezy approves after all 🙂🙃 Now i can think about adding checkout to the website #saasboilerplates
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get Lemonsqueezy approved
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reply to lemon squeezy support #seniormindset
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getting accepted in the Lemonsqueezy store - what it took? Ranting on Twitter that they denied me for no apparent reason 😂️️
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check lemonsqueezy review status
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Get approved for LemonSqueezy #leavetheus
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Submitted store for verification to Lemon Squeezy #emailcatcher It seems they're taking really long this time around.
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get dontrenewthat new account approved by Lemon Squeezy #dontrenewthat
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Considering switching to Stripe from Lemon Squeezy. The verification is taking WAY too long. #emailcatcher
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followup with Lemonsqueezy for store activation
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Handle customer support queries as Lemon Squeezy is having an issue #boltai
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finished billing customer portal w/ lemon-squeezy #useform
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responded to paddle. provided terms/policy/refund condition pages
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make lemon squeezy account
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Got paid by Lemon Squeezy! #pluginsforcarrd
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#pintura bail on Paddle and switch from Gumroad to LemonSqueezy
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send out link to my shiny new Lemon Squeezy store! i have to say LS support staff are FAST in responding. saasboilerplates.lemonsqueezy… #saasboilerplates
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