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Finish prototype for game jam and learn unreal engine paper2D
get vr version working w/o sdk #mused
study an hour during lunch with Unreal Engine #lvlup3d
watch 1hr of Unreal Engine Tutorial during lunch #lvlup3d
watch 1hr of Unreal Engine Tutorial during lunch #lvlup3d
Egghead React VR #learn
install Unreal Engine 4.19 gLTF plugin #arcake
study 1hr Unreal Engine tutorials during lunch #lvlup3d
Unreal Engine 2D game learning Sunday
Finish another long tutorial on UE5
Experiment with unity #self
Watched 1hr of Unreal Engine Tutorial during lunch. #lvlup3d
Learning more about blueprint UE
Finish character rig tutorial using Unreal Engine 🙌
livecode trying ReactVR
test a bunch of options with laserscan data, pointcloud, mesh, etc and get a workflow into unreal, make some renders for PBS doc #mused
Get each step from 360 video >> virtual tour working & spend sick/jetlagged days solving a ton of bugs in interface aligning 360 data to env, virtual tour ui, etc #spaceshare