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Live test purchases #checkyourlist
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setup a separate license for testing #blip
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Test new pricing #thundercontent
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Start on #timeless license verification.
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#notes Sell first five licenses
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write UI tests for license / trial states #blip
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lower price #readmake to $9.99 to test
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Change pricing page and experiment with Purchase Now (30-day money back guarantee) #mindwave
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Set up debug menu to ease testing of trial expiration / license activation #blip
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update my finacial projections in Poindexter for #mj hypothetical pricing models, and see what hypothetical launch discount for current customers will do to run rate with a conservative 5% conversion rate.
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Start payment tests #remoteindex
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Test payment #flexiblepos
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change pricing(for test) #thundercontent
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test make #readmake Buy button go straight to Stripe Checkout without any benefits modal to see if it converts better
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Run A/B test using Plausible to test paywall vs free trial conversion rate. (B = paywall) #dreamhouseai
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test out cost data
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build basic analytics for trial users and conversion to paid #pbn
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lower price to $2 to test #avatarai
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Experiment with pricing on #postcard
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purchase license
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