Similar todos
Participated in a call with AOC
🎙 attended the monthly conference organizer chat
🎤 was in a monthly 2-hour conference organizer discussion #mylife
gave talk to hackathon #job
share React Summit talk with audience #blog2
🎙 joined conference organizers meetup online
🎙 joined conference organizer's chat tonight #mylife
🎙 I attended a monthly conference organizer's chat.
attended a monthly conference organizer's chat #mylife
outline react summit talk #blog2
🎙 monthly conference organizer's chat
Shared my random thoughts on indie hacking
Have long call to discuss DAOs and Community Building #mcpizzalife
wrapped up another monthly conference organizers hangout #mylife
🎙 attended conference chats tonight
reactathon speaker stuff
🎙 monthly conference organizer chat night #mylife
🎤 monthly conference organizer's chat
🎧 meeting with other #pathwar contributors
🗓 wrapped up a monthly conference organizer's chat #mylife