Similar todos
discover new issues with server timeouts #lyricallabs
figure out what's causing the server to stop work #adultify
find my old solutions to server time out issues #lyricallabs
debug serverless timeouts #life
Figure out live server problems #code
#slackdiscord figure out efficient message fetch from discord
#slackdiscord Try out real-time API from Discord so we can sync messages faster
fix server downtime #shipr
make Verify message with ✅ work some API code by me and @pretzelhands Discord webhooks #nomads
#slackdiscord Sync thread status from Discord
log onto server from phone to fix small bug on solar inverter bot #solarbot
fix backups going kinda crazy #nomads
#thecompaniesapi finally maxed out the 4090 server ; it has been on 80~100% usage for last 24h without errors ; now I need to log tokens i/o
fix server with @daniellockyer’s help #expensivechat
fix server issue #theportal
fixed db bug #sponsorgap
fixed db bug #sportstechjobs
#banjo Complete message sync from Slack to Discord
fixed backup server error