Similar todos
clean up social media #to9to5
Clean out emails, LI msgs, Twitter DMs etc #lifeee
Clean out email/Twitter DMs/etc #lifeee
#life Delete old Twitter account that I left behind in 2015
clean up following on Instagram & Twitter
restore social media #fajarsiddiq
#life Get rid of most social media on my phone
Decluttered my Twitter feed from toxic engagement bait accounts
Clear out emails, DMs, etc #lifeee
finish setting up social media accounts #firefocused
dusted off my Mastodon accounts to make sure I can sync from Twitter. I have no plans to move over, but rotating passwords and adding followers was worth the time spent.
Deleted social media apps from my phone.
Complete setting up social accounts
Feel social media withdrawal I think after blocking all social media websites on my laptop 2 days ago and now I feel angry / anxious when out of habit I press Cmd+T and open social media and it doesn't load and my brain doesn't like it but it'll be better #life
plan to spend less time in social media
delete all social media crap from the phones
remove unnecessary feed from social media #quickcode