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🍟 Side project weekend: Building dark mode for the rich text editor on the /compose page. 90% done. Making Tinymce editor go dark proved to be trickier than imagined #lifelog
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🍟 Side project weekend: Added toggle switch for rich text editor and saving preference for md vs rich text editor #lifelog
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🍟 Side project weekend: Added image upload functionality to rich text editor on compose page, and other bug fixes #lifelog
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🍟 Side Project Weekend: FINALLY finally finally completed dark mode on both editors. Just trying to figure out how to change the color of the text input on Tinymce editor across an iframe took all morning. As always, the last 1% takes the longest.. #lifelog
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🛳 Shipped rich text editor! - Had to do some javascript gymnastics to be able to listen to the text inside TinyMCE editor, so that I can bring back typing sounds. - 'Discovered' the Markdownit can also render HTML markup! How silly that I always assumed this to be so hard. #lifelog
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built prototype of TinyMCE cloud editor into #remoteok that outputs HTML to fix all the issues with ambiguous Markdown (thx @marc for tip)
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Simple rich text editor for projects #life
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work on TinyMCE editor integration so I can switch to HTML job posts and leave Markdown to die cause it's inconsistent and clunky #remoteok
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🍟 Side project weekend: Fixed some bugs to Archive to Wayback Machine on rich text editor #lifelog
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Side project weekend: Fixes to /write page styles - Fixed bug where the footer overlapped with preview text (see image). Also all-round style fixes when the textarea didn't resize properly to text input. #lifelog
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🍟 Side project weekend: Got related posts working! Need to fix margins, rendering/truncating markdown properly #lifelog
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Side project weekend! Added 100% width & height to textarea preview to fix overflow text bug. Removed hover preview, replaced with preview button. #lifelog
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Deployed to Heroku all the weekend fixes to the md and rich text editors #lifelog
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Researching rich text editor libraries for #mapmelon next big thing
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🍟 Side project weekend: Finished up related posts feature by fixing the html rendering #lifelog
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switch to TinyMCE editor with HTML for new jobs now #remoteok
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see first job posted with TinyMCE HTML editor #remoteok
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🍟 Side project weekend: Fixed low contrast for checkbox hover in writing pages. Fixed meta description text style for posts written by rich tags - removed html tags showing up in meta description #lifelog
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🍟 Side project weekend: Added Archive to Wayback Machine and fancy Bulma checkboxes to rich text editor too #lifelog
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self-host TinyMCE on my own server and avoid paying $150/mo for buggy VC-funded SaaS app TinyCloud with literally non-existing support #remoteok (thanks @marc for tip)
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