Similar todos
Replace emojis with minimalist fontawesome svgs #pantryplan
fix emoji assets #betalist
Replace emojis with font awesome svgs #phoneprivacy
Create webpage to generate custom #jomo emojis (Apple emojis with white border)
Add an emoji logo #fun
add css-emojis to the site… #sketchfordesignrs
swapped out emojis for font awesome icons to smooth out some design issues on #lfk
load emojis using twemoji #aviaryanin
add emoji support to #userchat
switch hardcode rocket emoji to emoji.css one #upgradeyourphp
add emojis to all airplanes #airlinelist
add fontawesome to make it look pretty
#languagelearners deploy the ffmpeg + opus encoding magic on lambda to finally fix the ios bug! 🙏
Make emoji font bigger #mumu
my first aws lambda function #lab
fix font awesome icons #bootlab appstack