Similar todos
add aspect ratio changes for #videoresizer
maintain aspect ratio when resizing from corners #csspro
Make another aspect ratio variant #checkyourlist
#pintura fix issue with aspect ratio not being updated correctly in drop down
figure out the damn aspect ratio stuff for media posts #keyframes
Make custom aspect ratio work with video/image exports #morflaxstudio
add icons for aspect ratios for #videoresizer
#pintura fix issue where aspect ratio dropdown would select null value
#pintura fix problem with image aspect ratio being copied to crop aspect ratio
#pintura post article on aspect ratio image cropping
video embeds aspect ratio fix #keyframes
#pintura mark active selected in aspect ratio dropdown
#pintura link up width and height crop input to match selected aspect ratio and force image output size aspect ratio
UV map aspect ratio calculation #morflaxstudio
#filepond image editor aspect ratio dropdown
#pintura [next] fix crop aspect ratio being inverted
Set aspect ratio of images in todos, so the layout doesn't shift around when the image is loaded #wip