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chat with potential new big client
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started to target local startup accelerators (and they’re pretty interested) #jobsnantes
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new business outreach
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Landed a big new customer #branddev
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talk with big client to try to sell them #capgo
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onboarding new customers at #talqui
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getting our first customer #traveloffers
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have an interview with a startup
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Landed a new customer by reaching out to them pre-emptively then hopping on a call when i saw them browsing the site #branddev
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talk to potential customers #mystreams
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Get onboarded with a new client
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talk to potential customer #magicheader
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start onboarding #toptal
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followup with Other Potential Big Client
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discuss big biz idea with potential cofounder
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help some startup ppl #life
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another customer interview successfully done. Our waitlist has 8 small businesses only 92 to go #beassured
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meetup with old team for partnerships since they started business #fajarsiddiq
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Contact local B2B organization and ask if I can be member #lillointeractive
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acquired first customer
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