Similar todos
Load previous page…
scope all db queries #chamados
Investigate why start page of client website is suddenly sending 7000+ SQL queries for a single request #contracting
Cut down on JS that runs on initial page load
refactor app user load #thumblr
refactor super slow php calculations into a single 50ms SQL statement #ctr
improve initial load by 269ms #cssscan
decouple database items and cards in main activity, migrate queries away from UI thread to improve performance #pinlocker
Refactor how we load projects to speed up initial loads on all screens #saasco
improve initial load by 191ms #cssscan
Make SQL queries less precise so Postgres can cache results #buildinpublic
#nagel Rip out Pimcore ORM in another part of the app and replace with raw SQL, as ORM creates insane amounts of overhead
add database querying layer to application
run DB queries in production server #quickcode
read about ways to speed up initial load #fotoloods
Prep queries
speed up #interiorai load with DB index