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Created typewritertext Carrd plugin on a whim - #pluginsforcarrd
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🎳 Add strikethrough button and styling. #blurt
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Inspired and made an animated gradient buttons plugin Carrd template today! - animatedgradientbuttons.carrd… #pluginsforcarrd
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Created new Carrd plugin - a popup modal for text/images, because someone emailed me to ask if this feature was available in Carrd, so I went to make one! Never miss an opportunity to convert a user 😉 - #pluginsforcarrd
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use Markdown V2 for strikethrough #kornwolf
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Helped Carrd user in FB community with auto update year footer that's synced to the style of the template - made me think about creating a free plugin for this! 🤔 #pluginsforcarrd
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Someone asked. I was intrigued to see if it can be done. 1h later...Made a new dark mode Carrd plugin - #pluginsforcarrd
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Collected all the Black Friday deals and discounts that's related to Carrd, picked Template #215, designed, and launched, all in 2h! - #pluginsforcarrd
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Wrote tutorial for roll up text animation Carrd plugin cos people keep asking me -… #pluginsforcarrd
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Tested the one-line embed code on Carrd #testimonial
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Tried to work out why a Carrd plugin pushed down an element instead of overlaying over it, for 1-2h. Couldn't figure out even after tweaking and testing all the CSS, comparing line by line. In the end, ChatGPT saves the day! (Great for issues like these which are hard to google for) 😯 CSS is a mystery sometimes. Or I'm just bad at it (in the end it was just position: relative vs fixed 😩). #pluginsforcarrd
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Created roll up text animation Carrd plugin at request of user - #pluginsforcarrd
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contrast text color
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learned to use carrd
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Fixed code to apply text color on choice because I messed everything up when fixing templates #books
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🌗 Made my own dark mode plugin for Carrd sites using vanilla JS + lots of CSS - my next paid plugin! #pluginsforcarrd
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test stripe on new carrd site
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work on carrd layout more
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Finished a blog template on Carrd #lookmomnocode
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Made another Carrd plugin on a whim based off a question Matt Gaucher asked about in-app browsers - #pluginsforcarrd
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