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Created roll up text animation Carrd plugin at request of user - #pluginsforcarrd
Wrote tutorial for double carousel for carousel slider plugin because a customer asked -… #pluginsforcarrd
Inspired and made an animated gradient buttons plugin Carrd template today! - animatedgradientbuttons.carrd… #pluginsforcarrd
Created 2nd new Carrd plugin today - a plugin for an interactive background of physics-based particles/polygons, because someone asked about this in Telegram chat group, and ended up helping him make it! - interactivebackground.carrd.c… #pluginsforcarrd
Made a marquee plugin using CSS animation effects - #pluginsforcarrd
publish todays tutorial How to create a card with animated background with Tailwind CSS
Read the article, see it live and get the code.
edit mini tutorial of adding Drift to Carrd #newco
Helped Carrd user in FB community with auto update year footer that's synced to the style of the template - made me think about creating a free plugin for this! 🤔 #pluginsforcarrd
publish todays tutorial:
How to create a testimonial carousel with Tailwind CSS and JavaScript
Read the article, see it live and get the code.
publish new tutorial.
How to animate objects on scroll with Tailwind CSS and the JavaScript intersection observer API.
Read the article, see it live and get the code.
Made a Spotify-inspired custom audio player Carrd plugin - #pluginsforcarrd
Publish today tutorial: How to creating animated blog cards with Astrojs and Tailwind CSS Read the article, see it live and get the code. -…
better twitter cards for tutorials #keylogs
🚀 Launched yet another free Carrd plugin - to embed a wall of selected tweets like testimonial, reviews, social proof - #pluginsforcarrd
publish today tutorial How to create an animated profile card with Tailwind CSS
Read the article, see it live and get the code.
publish last tutorial: How to create an animated log in modal with Tailwind CSS and Alpine.js Read the article see it live and get the code -…
share todays tutorial
How to create a confetti animation effect using JavaScript
Read the full article, see it live and get the code.…
publish todays tutorial How to create a carousel with Tailwind CSS and Alpinejs Read the article, see it live and get the code: —…
Done some cards animations #mistral