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Show new member signups in the feed along with who invited them to hopefully inspire more people to use their invites #wip
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Add nice little invited by on profile page #hey
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Show user invitee (if present) in admin #wip
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Add invite tree to see who invited whom #wip
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Make it easier for myself to give out invites to active members #wip
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group requests, invitations, and applications are now listed on user screen #mj
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merge @Jankeesvw's PR that notifies members when they receive an invite to give away #wip
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display user email to invited "add info" page when signing up after being invited to a list
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Add slack invite link to header for logged in person #nosugartoday
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invite a few people to #wip using new invite system
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Add invitation for people who are already in the system #modelchimp
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Ship ability to invite people to #booklet communities
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notify inviter when invitee signs up #wip h/t @gijsheerkens
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add verified badges to #mj member list profiles
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automatically gift invites to active members #wip
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fix invite links #invitemember
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Notify users when someone they invited joins Mailbrew #mailbrew
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show user details on the profile page #hifive
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added invite friends system #30days
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tests for invites & users #klart
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