Similar todos
⬆️ Updates machine to Python 3.12 #mylife
updated my #dotfiles to support Python 3.11 and mostly fix some syntax errors caused by pyenv changing
⬆️ upgraded #djangopackages to Python 3.8 and used some automated cleanup tools
did some laptop and python 3.11 updates tonight
⬆️ upgraded #jobs and pushed out some form layout changes. Also fixed some Python 3.12 issues I didn't know we were having until today.
Updated to latest stable Python 3.7 branch across all *bsd systems #netlandish
⬆️ updated python to latest versions 🐍 #dotfiles
⬆️ upgraded python from 3.8 to 3.9 and other requirements #djangopackages
updated #dotfiles to fix a few things and mostly to clean it up
✏️ published "Upgrading Python from 3.11 to 3.12 notes"…
⬆️ upgraded/deployed #djangopackages to Python 3.11 along with a bunch of security updates
upgraded #djangopackages to work with Python 3.8 and updated requirements
updated my #dotfiles and upgraded my default Python to 3.10
updating #djangopackages and merging in a few PRs today
minor updates to #djangopackages
minor updates #flyingdutch
updated #djangopackages to pull in recent security updates
updated the changelog #copycopter
Updated a bunch of outdated software #chores
worked on some more Python project automation to sync up a bunch of random changes