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partially rewrote fetch_pypi_data() and started on some tests to make it easier to figure out #djangopackages
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finished pypi refactor of #djangopackages
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worked on another data importer using the new python spatula library. It's not bad, but proving to be a bit more difficult to get my 10+ year old project synced than I'd like
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working with Pandas (Python) to update a few existing scrapers. It's really, really nice but I ran into a bug trying to pull URLs that I don't want to think about right now.
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Found a nice github repo that integrates scrapy and Django. Cloned it and ran it locally. It works! Now I just have to implement to scraping logic and test it further :) #jobsinenglish
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more Pandas updates and I built out a reverse scraper which makes it easier to say what values you want on a page and then it builds out the CSS selectors backwards.
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pushed a bunch of importer changes and started on a layer import/data tracking structure #conf
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fixed a #djangopackages bug and started working on adding pypa/packaging support vs. rolling my own
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Exploring offline API documentation browers — any suggestions? #chores
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finished a few python based wikipedia and google news scripts for fetching content #mylife
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finished pypi tests and deployed fixes #djangopackages
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✏️ researched bringing back an older Django project that was super useful 7 to 10 years ago #mylife
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wrote a new bot to normalize pypi package names #djangopackages
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started switching some nasty scraping code project over to Pandas because it works so damn well
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worked on packages that are no longer on pypi or never were #djangopackages
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🐼 reading up on the Python Pandas library since it makes scraping HTML tables easy peasy
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- figure out how to fork the django-pattern-library and replace the index page with my own version ✅ #experimentingnewtool
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learn how python imports work
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📝 Worked on #djangopackages to rewrite/augment how package states are pulled from PyPI to help improve the overall accuracy of the data.
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📺 more #djangotv work trying to get urls to look right before I start importing all of my data
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