Similar todos
update to next.js 10 #codebird
update to nextjs 13.5 #spectate
upgrade to nextjs 13.4 #spectate
Update tech stack to Nextjs #3dicons
Upgraded to Nextjs 14 #cyberdeck
Upgrade to Next.js 15 #promptlyhired
Update nextjs #homestra
Update GatsbyJS to latest #checkyourlist
work on nextjs migration #quizwhizzer
catch up to nextjs 13 updates #indiehacking
update nextjs to v13 to enable new feature #daddytuner
update nuxt #rewardsflights
Update Next.js among some other dependencies for several projects
upgrade status pages to nextjs 13.5 #spectate
upgrade to nextjs 12.2 #shipr #labs
check out Next.js 13
upgrade next.js, get stuck and roll back #support