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🤖 created a slackbot demo to try out a few ideas with #bots
Figure out discord flow to add a bot #superforum
refined our #djangocon discord schedule publishing bot
added Slack integration #groouply
finished #djangocon discord scheduling bot
got the basic slack bot working after debugging with ngrok #smallwins
Add Slack integration #askuser
#slackdiscord Establish basic message connection Slack <=> Discord
Work on discord bot #superforum
Work on discord bot #superforum
#banjo Setup OAuth2 call for Slack workspace installation
hire @pretzelhands to build Slack to Discord to Slack bridge that actually works #nomads
improve discord onboarding #indiemakers
launch discord bot #cryptojobslist
🤖 more upgrade bot work. mostly works but I need to hook into dep management and it gets harder.