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Send an email notification when the domain name server changes #domainwatchman
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Added a simple email notification when domains transition statuses #unblockdomains
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Send email when a domain name matching your brand drops or is registered #handlehorse
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Setup email notification to admin for custom domain request #backlogs
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Send update email #domainbook
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send email notification when site is unreachable #highscoredomains
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Status update email notification #backlogs
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fix status dashboard email alerts #nomads
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Send a notification when the expiration date is updated #domainwatchman
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Email notifications #feedbear
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Implement email alert notifications #sitewatcher
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Setup email for new domain #yugen
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#sheet2site send telegram message notification with domain added
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Implement email alert when monitors are up again #pingnow
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#contracting Send status update to client, tell them to get the domain ready
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Implement like email notification #resultjam
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Send email notifications when receiving #submit submission
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send notifications by email every minute as cron not every hour for faster reactions to stuff happening on site #nomads
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Add email notification feature #askmakers
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email notification hooks #tindi
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