Similar todos
Make the updater lambda skip sending emails when account email notifications are turned off #domainwatchman
Test more email writing #sparkbase
Work on adding domain changes logging to the updater lambda #domainwatchman
Write tests for the update lambda #domainwatchman
Finish writing email subscription tests #remoteindex
Send an email notification when the domain name server changes #domainwatchman
Send an email notification when the domain status changes #domainwatchman
Start writing email subscription tests #remoteindex
Test updates with new mail accounts #accountably
Write a lambda function to update all the domains #domainwatchman
scheduled weekly check to update indisposable email domains list #linqmeup
Run second test of email system to make sure scheduling is correct
#dw basic crawler to run once per day and update the expiration dates + send notifications about expiring domains
Send a notification when the expiration date is updated #domainwatchman
Send update email #domainbook
Test emails #pradinukams
Make a bot to check if a sub is about to expire #jobboardsearch
Change email used in tests to use mailinator